Monday, January 05, 2009

Gardening Fashion Tips

So I told my daughter to put on some clothes appropriate for gardening, and this is what she comes up with... in January mind you! Luckily it's not as cold outside as it has been, but I'm still not sure its miniskirt weather, let alone leopard-print miniskirt with cowboy boots weather.

You can rest assured that I was wearing jeans, a thick sweatshirt, and sensible Wellies!


Anonymous said...

Yipes! Your daughter is a brave one - I won't even dare venture out these days without a heavy full-length coat, scarf, hat, gloves, several warm clothing layers, etc.....
So what was the gardening activity? I'm jealous that you can even see the ground :-)

Robin said...

My kids are polar bears! We were raking our leaf pile and carrying the leaves to our various garden beds and plots for mulching. We got all the beds covered in record time (advantage of having kids who owe you some work time for $$$!)