This year's legislative session saw several new laws that should help make bicycling safer in my state. The one I am happiest about was Senate Bill 108, which requires drivers on rural roads to stay far enough away when passing a cyclist to prevent contact if the rider were to fall into the traffic lane. This should help prevent what I call "skimmers" (cars and trucks that come so close to you when you're cycling that you can almost feel the vehicle brush your legs) and should also help protect against the wind or draft vortex created by larger vans and trucks if they pass too close and can suck you off course.
Also passed this year was House Bill 3314, which ups the penalties for drivers who kill or injure a "vulnerable roadway user", and Senate Bill 789 which created a "Share the Road" license plate, whose proceeds will help fund the
Bicycle Transportation Alliance , which does such excellent work helping cycling be safer, more convenient, and more fun in Oregon communities.
Hip Hip Hooray!
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