Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our Garden Featured on Local TV News

After the People magazine article came out, our local news station came and did a piece about it. I think they did a really nice job. It's great to see lawns-to-gardens getting so much coverage! Although I don't consider myself any kind of gardening expert in any way, it's nice to think that our experience might somehow inspire others to also give it a try.

I especially love the first line: "A Eugene family is featured in this week's People Magazine, not for red carpet fashion or celebrity scandal, but for their vegetable garden." Here's the link to the story.


Anonymous said...

That's so exciting! I think the more gardens that people see, the more it will seem do-able for them too. And somehow gardens by average citizens strike a chord in a more powerful way than, for example, the White House garden (though that is also a great step). I hope we see more of features like that!

ATW said...

Robin- This is awesome!! I absolutely love this. Great job on the garden and bringing awareness to a multitude of people. Your garden looks great!! I think it's so cool that you had a chance to talk about gardening and urban farming. I will pass this article on. Thanks for sharing.

Kristin said...

Congratulations that's great news for your family and for urban farming.

RSK said...

I'm trying to do the same thing too! Also... I'm not really sure what I'm doing. But I did start a daily vlog to show the process, and I've linked to your site before.
Let me know what you think!

Dorcas said...

Hi Robin--Just wanted to tell you I linked this.

deanna said...

Congratulations, Robin! I saw the link on Dorcas' post. I'm so glad some of your talents have been noticed. :o)